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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

With TV Gone

... I don't seem to have as much to write about. Not so much to be angry or appalled at. And when I read to catch up on the news, seems to have a different affect. I don't feel so invaded.

Through a yahoo group I subscribe to, I found out about these several things...

this one's relevant for tomorrow --

Moon Illusion

these concerning American enslaved Bantu people's and Christianity --

Kimpa Vita
Christianity in the Kongo #1
Christianity in the Kongo #2
Christianity in the Kongo #3

The latter pages shifting and balancing the askew picture of a majority of African's in America's practice of Christianity and the belief of their being introduced to it by their enslavers. Makes common sense that some already believed and this is how they were manipulated into not escaping or destroying their captors. After hearing about Stockholm Syndrome, I immediately applied it to slavery and the Africans forcibly involved, trying to make some type of life under horrific and unbelievable cruelty. A mind shift. But now with this information, the psychological impact appears to have been even more insidious, with the attackers using what they believed against them. A cult.

Also in the essay recounted on this page, a former slave talks about his experience with conjuring and how Africans could conjure each other, but not their captors.

"The biggest thing the niggers done was working congerations. [This is the interviewer's attempted phonetic spelling for "conjurations," that is, conjure or hoodoo.] The funny thing bout that was they could hoo-doo each other but they sure couldn't hoo-doo the white folks."

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