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Thursday, June 12, 2008

Pea in a Pod

I haven't felt like being on the computer too much lately. My FDIL and two lil' grandbabys are here visiting for 3 weeks and all I want to do is just want to lay around with the little ones. This is the first time my new grandson and I have met since his birth and he is just little hunny bunch. But my son and FDIL told me that he has been having trouble sleeping and often times looked like he was having nightmares. My son told me that when he visited his Abuelita, she blessed him and did several little prayers for him which helped him alot. But after arriving here, he was fussy again and not sleeping. So I started observing him and it looked to me like he was not feeling secure. FDIL said that she would try and wrap him up but he would squirm out of it and wiggle his arms free. It popped into my head that what he might need is a sling carrier that his mommy can wear him in. I pulled up some bookmarks that I had for making a sling carrier and found this one to be the best one for me. It took me about a 1/2 hour to make and about an hour to try and figure out which shoulder method would be the best for her. We decided on a hybrid of the fan method and the 3-fold, it seems to give more support for the wearer's shoulder. This morning we put him in it. He stopped crying, but something didn't look right. After watching a video on this page, we realized we put him in backwards. hahahahaha ooops After fixing that error, we had to put a little receiving blanket folded under his head to prop him up. And after that, he went right to sleep. The sling is made of a dark olivish green t-shirt type material that I had bought to make some culottes for me, but never got around to it. He looks just like a pea in a pod.

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