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+ Prayers to The Creator +
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Sunday, June 22, 2008


[I hope the lady who gave me this info doesn't mind me sharing it, if she does, I will remove it.]

I was recently recommended as a solution to a personal work I have been doing, the use of Black Walnut, an allelopath. The work being done is in reference to being extremely sensitive to other's thoughts and emotions. The idea being that allelopaths create a natural border around them where very few plants can grow or thrive. Black walnut was recommended being it is the strongest of the allelopathic plants. I've also recently seen some agricultural articles where research is being done on Peppermint oil for it's allelopathic qualities. Also ran across that farmers growing Japonica Rice in certain areas, aiding in controlling the growth and spread of major aquatic weeds, which might be helpful in specific works.

Some others that may be of use:

American Chestnut
Purple Sage

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