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Wednesday, June 4, 2008

So Obama got it...

When my oldest son first informed me that a Black Man and a White Woman were in the running for the Democratic nomination, I was like wha??? First of all I had not ever heard of Barrack Obama. So I turned on the news and was like, why are the media trying to push this man down black people's throats. It felt like when I was in high school, going to a predominately all white and Mexican school, and when a new young black man came to the school, all my "friends" would be hey don't you like him? Isn't he cute? Okay because I am black and he is black we are made for each other??? What business was it of theirs anyways who I liked and dated, as far as I know, they did not own me? (yes a veiled reference) So I had to think about it. What could be the real reason for this? And after a few days, I finally got it. Okay, they really wanted Hillary to be the prez, but they were not sure she could win, so they paired her up with what America might consider her equal, a Black Man. And by equal, I mean their relative standing among general American society/thought status wise. So they got their two patsies, and figured that America would not vote for them on the same ticket, but if they ran against each other, they would in the end legitimize each other since the American public are like goldfish. And all the little "party bickering/politics"are just to make it look good. All of this hanging on at the end is good stuff too, giving the impression that she is a fighter and doesn't give up. And who ever ended up winning at the primaries, it did not matter, because the other would just pop on over to run on the other one's ticket. And it is looking like that this may just be the case.

Oh and this brings to mind what Chris Rock says:

"Now as you know, there's been alot of talk about a black vice president. And I just wanna tell the world that it'll never happen. As long as you live you will never see a black vice president, you know why? Because some black guy would just kill the president. I'd do it. If Colin Powell was vice president, I'd kill the president and tell his mother about it. What would happen to me? What would they do? Put me in jail with a bunch of black guys that would treat me like a king for the rest of my life? I would be the biggest star in jail, alright, people would be coming up to me and I'd be signing autographs: "97-KY, here you go." Guys would be going: "You're the brother that shot Bush. And you told his mother about it huh? I hope my children turn out to be just like you, Man, you know I was getting ready to rape you until I realized who you were. And even if they had a death penalty, what would happen? I'd just be pardoned by the black president. So you see, Dennis, it would not be in George Bush's best interests to place Colin Powell on the ticket. "

And on the page where I copied and pasted this quote from I found this underneath:

if Obama becomes president, should he worry about some idiot out there shooting him so white VP becomes president?

Should Obama be shopping for bulletproofs? (and not the Ganstalicious one's... but that's another story... )

Here's Paul Mooney's take on it from last year on Letterman.

Oh and just one more thing... a little more finagling/conspiracy... wasn't Bill at the Grove?

But you ain't heard it from me... :)

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Princess Drewbie said...

roflmao! love me some paul mooney!

*Princess Drewbie*

Michele said...

we're going to have watch his DVD again soon...