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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Sacred Object -- Boli

This sacred power object is a Boli from the Bamana Nation of Mali. I know almost next to nothing about these objects and what I do know is from several webpages that I just happened across last night. They are amazing. The idea of these to me is mind blowing. If I am understanding correctly, they are a constant sacred power work in progress, containing the intentions of all who have ever participated in any type of ritual with them. Amazing. Here is an excerpt from one of the pages above (I can't seem to find the other ones) that has some info about them:

"The primary function of a boli is to accumulate and control the naturally occurring life force called nyama for the spiritual benefit
of the community. Used as altars or carried during dance performances, they are complex creations created from esoteric
recipes, or daliluw. Animal bones, vegetable matter, honey, and metal are packed around an interior armature of bamboo
wrapped in white cotton cloth. They are covered with layers of mud and clay, and their surfaces accumulate sacrificial materials
over time, including chicken and goat blood, chewed kola nuts, alcohol, and millet porridge. Each added layer of material lends
the structure greater spiritual power."

The Dogon also call the life force called "nyama" and if I recall correctly, they live in the same area as this ancient empire.

[*** note -- okay I had not scrolled down on the page... I thought the top part was all there was as a matter of fact... but I scrolled down right now and see that these objects are for sale??? (huh???) I thought this was a museum or something. And they have a picture of one in someone's house next to a TV??? Okay, I am not going to say anything else... just fill in the blanks rant rant rant !!! ]

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Princess Drewbie said...

you know white people dont know what "s-a-c-r-e-d o-b-j-e-c-t" means :-D

*Princess Drewbie*

Michele said...

Oooh Drew, you are so crazy! Well I believe it is a euro-american mindset/mental illness that crosses MANY cultural border lines these days, that causes this irreverant attitude and lack of respect... but you already know this since I've used as my captive audience for my soapbox sermons many of times... thank you son...