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Saturday, May 31, 2008

Remembering Collecting

The other day, I came across a cat's eye marble in my desk drawer. I don't remember where it came from, but it brought to my mind when I used to take my bag of marbles out on to the grass, lie down and just gaze into them. I remember seeing little movies or images. I used to 'play' with them for hours. I never thought much of it and as I got older, I kind of forgot about it. Well after finding the marble, I came across a page talking about scrying into marbles and heard a radio show speaking on it. Okay so I had to bring the marble out and give it a try again and see if I still 'saw things'. So yes I did. I wrote the images down and they ended up having something to do with a problem my niece is having. Cool. I ended making a little holder for the marble so I could keep it with me. I will take a picture soon and post it.

Oh, but back to the collecting part... :) this all brought to remembrance all the things I used to collect when I was a little girl. I had forgotten about them. When I started thinking of them, I got kinda sad and I missed them. My collections:

Swisher/Swizzle sticks from my parents vacations
Heart shaped items
Pencils and Pens
Song Titles/Artists (had a book to record any new song I encountered and what station I heard it on)

I don't have any of those original collections anymore. I have subconsciously started other collections. Bottlecaps, used lottery tickets, coins, casino chips, yarn, fabric, pens, small items, shoes, purses, random trivia... among other things.

I found this page on formal names for collectors. There are a lot missing, unless they just don't have formal names. A Wikipedia category page listing lots of objects for collecting. Also came across this book (Dictionary of Bible Proper Names - c.1923) that contains all the Biblical names in alphabetical order from Google Books that can be downloaded in PDF form.

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