The other day, I came across a cat's eye marble in my desk drawer. I don't remember where it came from, but it brought to my mind when I used to take my bag of marbles out on to the grass, lie down and just gaze into them. I remember seeing little movies or images. I used to 'play' with them for hours. I never thought much of it and as I got older, I kind of forgot about it. Well after finding the marble, I came across a page talking about scrying into marbles and heard a radio show speaking on it. Okay so I had to bring the marble out and give it a try again and see if I still 'saw things'. So yes I did. I wrote the images down and they ended up having something to do with a problem my niece is having. Cool. I ended making a little holder for the marble so I could keep it with me. I will take a picture soon and post it.
Oh, but back to the collecting part... :) this all brought to remembrance all the things I used to collect when I was a little girl. I had forgotten about them. When I started thinking of them, I got kinda sad and I missed them. My collections:
Swisher/Swizzle sticks from my parents vacations
Heart shaped items
Pencils and Pens
Song Titles/Artists (had a book to record any new song I encountered and what station I heard it on)
I don't have any of those original collections anymore. I have subconsciously started other collections. Bottlecaps, used lottery tickets, coins, casino chips, yarn, fabric, pens, small items, shoes, purses, random trivia... among other things.
I found this page on formal names for collectors. There are a lot missing, unless they just don't have formal names. A Wikipedia category page listing lots of objects for collecting. Also came across this book (Dictionary of Bible Proper Names - c.1923) that contains all the Biblical names in alphabetical order from Google Books that can be downloaded in PDF form.
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+ Prayers to The Creator +
KM · DS · MA · DF · MG · MG · MS · NS & DS & Fam · RM ·
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Saturday, May 31, 2008
Remembering Collecting
Dolomite to the rescue!
Yesterday, I was feeling rather drained and tired so I went for a walk to the store. I sometimes use the Walmart garden section next door as a little oasis to get back in balance. I walked around for a bit. Smelling the rosemary and the sage and lamenting at the absence of care for the plant relatives. I walked through the store and out the front door through the parking lot taking the long way around back home. As I was walking I saw two white stones sitting at the edge of a planter of the usual red rock you see around here. I recognized them as stones from my childhood. We used to have these white decorative stones next to our driveway. I loved to put them up to the sun, they almost looked like they glowed or you could see the sun through them. And they would glint also, sparkling. So I picked em' up and took them home, hitting and rubbing them together for a wonderful familiar sound. Looking them up on the net, I found they are Dolomite, and found these properties...
Dolomite -- Abundance, Balance, Emotions, Energy, Negativity, Protection, Purification, Regeneration, Restoration, Strength, Wealth
"Dolomite relieves sorrow in such a way as to assist one recognize that "everything happens for a reason". Useful for energy alignment, balancing and blockage removal. It can be used to arrest leakages of energy from the chakras."
Pretty nice. I immediately felt better upon holding them and was so grateful for them coming to see me and to my aide.
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Little Store that could?! :)
I had planned on having my little myspace page up for selling a few items by today, but things aren't going as quickly as I thought they would. But everything will be good in a minute... everything in it's own time. :)
So far I have several recipe types for really soothing herbal crystal salts ready to go. I also have some little products that I have made that may assist in herbal/rootwork. I have a deck of tarot cards that I designed (crude/folk art-style), but I am not sure if those will be ready soon... we'll see. I have a nice stock of essential oils made... waiting on bottles. Some herbal combination bases are done and packaged. There are also more items that I haven't listed... Well I guess I have more done than I thought. :) Writing things down gives a good spin sometimes.
Will update soon...
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Monday, May 19, 2008
Crystal Salts and Rice
This is the Lucky Green Rice with shredded money and several traditional money drawing herbs in it. Tradition states to wear in shoes for 24 hours and spread over front lawn and save a pinch to keep in your house. It's a happy shamrock-type green.
This one's the Love for You Crystal Salts. For use when one is feeling a little down on them self. Sparks renewed self-love, along with new insights and healing. Has rose petals among it's herbs, and is a creamy light pink.
This is for producing a steady stream of money into one's life, Long Money Crystal Salts. It is an earthy light green and has sassafras among it's many herbs. Also included is a little tied bundle of alfalfa (of course, I picked up the one bag that I did not put it in yet to photograph).
For a loved one lost in destructive habits or for when one realizes they are tired of walking on the hurtful path they've been on, Prodigal Child Crystal Salts. The color is liken to a silvery blue moon and contains lavender along with several other healing/love herbs .
And this last one my son made up for himself. It smells so good and when he came out of the tub, he was so relaxed, he fell asleep talking to me :) . Called Calen Crystal Salts, it's a beautiful earthy green... made with Elder and other herbs that promote calm under pressure, protection and opens the third eye.
I will be offering these Salts, along with more instructional info, when I officially get the shopping cart up and running. Crystal Salts can also be used as a hot steam (added to hot water in a glass bowl), a hand wash and for various other uses. Late at night when I am feeling overly tired and frazzled, I employ a Hot Steam Salt and when it cools down I soak my hands in for added relief.
***All statements regarding the herbs, rice and salts above are by way of tradition and alleged results. No guarantees or solid claims are being made as to the outcome or your results. These are faith based products... YMMV (see 'HUH?' on the left sidebar for more explanation).
Thank you for reading.
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Calling on the Rain -- Yemaya -- Pt.3
Here's the pic of the Chana Blue Rain Rice.
Also took pics of some of the Salts and one of the bags of Lucky Green Rice I made over the past several days. Putting them in the next post.
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Beauty for the Day
I just thought I would leave the day with a nice post, showing a lovely landscape. Been thinking a whole lot about living in the desert. I love the New Mexico, Arizona desert spaces. So beautiful and wide. Found this beautiful pic.
Who's Tougher???
Warning: Rant follows. May have generalizations and be based mainly on gut instincts.
When I see the commercials for the new History Channel shows "Tougher In Alaska" and "Axe Men" my stomach tightens in a knot and I am compelled to put the telly on mute until the commercials are over. I feel embarrassed for the producers of these shows and at the same time chuckle at their arrogant immaturity. I can't really speak on the men profiled in these shows, because I have not watched them. I know that sometimes the way a show is hyped does not always match up to the shows content. But from the commercials they look like the invented and inflated backwoods-American-white-men-are-so-billy-badass crap bordering on racist stupidity bullshit. Why can't Americans just tell a story without all the exaggeration and ignoring of the real truth of the situation. Okay, this is how I see the story they are trying to tell. I see, let's say, euros first contact with Indigenous Alaskans (I don't know when this was) and I see euro reaction to Indigenous Alaskans as being savages. Indigenous peoples who were living rather well, in harmony with their harsh environment, without the use of modern technology. Fast forward to 2008, some Caucasian men living in the same environment, with the benefit of modern technology, who are now being shopped as hereos??? Seems like something is missing. How did things scoot from resourceful people = savages to modern men = heroes. And same formula applied to "Axe Men". And their apparent arrogant attitude and money/greed is what seems to be driving nature out of balance. Same can be said for "Deadliest Catch". Stripping nature of all it's got for large amounts of money. In discussion with my son the other day, I asked if would he stop eating or using what was not in his immediate vicinity for the sake of human beings being able to live on this planet. He had not thought of it that way. Personal greed for things and money seems to be what drives the corporate world. And no one is ashamed of it. Seems kinda flip-flop from what my mother taught me. But that's okay as far as this new way of living is concerned. And through bullshit like these types of shows (and many many others) it keeps getting propagated and shoveled to the next unaware fool.
Rant over.
Calling on the Rain - - Yemaya / Pt.2
I came up with a recipe for the Rain Rice soon after writing the Pt.1 of this post. I decided to name it after my daughter, since she inspired me to make it -- Chana Blue Rain Rice. I colored it blue with laundry bluing, mixed it with Lavender and several other "smooth-type" healing/love herbs. It calls to mind the scent right before a good rain. I think it will be good for wrapping up and tying in little bundles to wear around the neck. I also have taken the herb combo and made Chana Blue Crystal Salts for bathing, laundry or breathing in the work in steam (from a bowl w/ hot water). Cameras and I don't get along too well, but I would like to post pictures. The color blue came out so nice, looks like the ocean. I will attempt to strike up a truce tomorrow and take some pics.
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Herb / StoneTranslation -- English / Spanish / Carribean
I've been looking for a list of herbs with Spanish translations. No luck so far, so I am going to start one. It will be an ongoing list as I come across more meanings and more herbs. I also may try to match up some herbs/plants worked with in the Islands with the comparable I can attain here.
*** edit 6/23/08-- found this site with a great list --
Herbs / Hierbas
7 Blossoms -- Siete Azahares (Passion flower, linden flower, rose petals, chamomile, anise seeds, tilo star)
Allspice -- Pimenton
Alum -- Alumbre
Angelica Root (Holy Ghost · Angel Root) -- Angelica
Anise -- Anise en Grano
Anise, Star -- Anise de Estrella
Alfalfa -- Alfalfa
Basil --
Basil, Sweet -- Albahaca
Bay, Laurel -- Entero
Brickelia - Progdioso
Chamomile -- Manzanilla
Clove -- Clavo Entero
Coriander, Seeds -- Cilantro Bolitas
Cumin, Ground-- Cumin Molido
Elder -- Sauco
Eucalyptus -- Eucalipto
Flax Seeds -- Linaza
Hibiscus -- Jamaica
Lavender -- Alucema
Lemon Grass -- Hierba de Limon
Marjoram -- Mejoranna
Mugwort -- Estafiate
Mullien -- Gordolobo
Nutmeg -- Nuez Mozcada
Oregano -- Oregano
Rhamnus Purse -- Cascara Sagrada
Rose Petals -- Rosa de Castilla
Rosemary -- Romero
Sesame Seed -- Ajonjoli Blanco
Thyme -- Tomilla
Wormwood -- Ajenjo
Stones / Piedras
Lodestone -- La Pìedra Imán
Pyrite -- Pirite
[continuously being edited -- last edit 6/22/08]
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Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Calling on the rain -- Yemaya
My daughter frequently calls the rain. I am not quite sure which emotional state or feelings provoke when she calls the rain, but from what I can see and what she has told me, it appears to be a time when she is feeling a little sad, melancholy maybe?... but I cannot see it on the outside. I can only guess, but it feels as if she need a cooling visit from her 'friend' Yemaya.
Looking up anything about some type of Rain Rice recipes. Wanted to make her some for her to keep in her little bag. I got 'lost' and found a couple of interesting web pages that mentions the calling of rain.
This page on Sacred Texts has a copy of the book "Taboo, Magic, Spirits: A Study of Primitive Elements in Roman Religion" by the author Eli Edward Burriss. I have not heard of it before, but it seems to be the typical arrogant rigid caucasian male view anthropological book, commonly disseminated as academic fact in early 20th and 19th centuries. These types of texts are so ironic to read because of the authors assuredness in their superior intelligence. Despite the obvious assumptions made by the author, there are some interesting descriptions of past communities rain-making that I was not familiar with. I had a somewhat hard time focusing on what I read, so I only skimmed it, but this part struck me:
When Marcus Aurelius was leading his forces against the Quadi in 174 A.D., a drought settled upon their country. According to one account, some Christians who happened to be serving under the Roman standards prayed for rain, and forthwith the heavens overflowed. 16 The pagan account of this rainstorm says that an Egyptian magician procured it from Hermes. 17 We do not have to go to antiquity, however, for evidence of supernatural rain-making. Frazer records 18 a case of rain-making by immersing the statue of a saint in water. He writes: "Beside the old priory of Commagny, a mile or two to the southwest of Moulins-Engilbert, there is a spring of St. Gervais, whither the inhabitants go in procession to obtain rain or fine weather according to the needs of the crops. In times of great drought they throw into the basin of the fountain an ancient stone image of the saint that stands in a sort of niche from which the fountain flows."
It seems the saint in question may have been Saint Honoré and I came across this page about a hydrotherapy station named for him. I will have to look into the Egyptian magic portion of this recount later.
What all this has to do with Rain Rice? Don't rightly know yet... another one of my typically unexpected 2 hour trips down the rabbit hole I suppose. Hope there's something revealing to glean from it.
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Saturday, May 10, 2008
Working WITH Herbs and Plants
Just a little realization...
I have always thought of herbs and plants (and rocks and animals and other things I can't think of right now) as my friends. Plant friends, rock friends, animal friends. I think this may be one link to a difference in hoodoo/native american/atrs from "wicca" or "wiccan-type" rituals (okay I am being very general here, and probably too simplified, so please excuse me). In the wiccan flavoured rituals I have seen/studied/performed there always seemed to be a 'hiccup' for me at the empowering/charging part. I would not 'tell' or 'use' a friend to get me something I want using 'mind power'. I would however explain to my friend my situation, and ask for any help, insight or wisdom in aiding me to obtain a resolution for the problem. In the course of such a relationship, I would have done little things to show how much I care about this friend and would most likely take the friend out as a celebration for my freedom from the problem or invite the friend over for a night of listening to music, good food and chillin, as a little sign of how much I appreciate this friendship and their help. So behaving in this same way to my plant and rock friends makes perfect sense and is inline with my other behaviors. If I have been a good friend, my friends will not hesitate to help me and will genuinely want to see me free from strife. If I have not been a particularly good friend and I realize this, I may apologize for my neglect, and commit to a changing in my ways. I would leave the decision up to the friend. And if this friend is especially wise, I would tell them that there is probably more going on here than what I can see and ask for help to see the 'bigger picture' and want only truth from them, no matter how much it may hurt. This would be the expected behavior from a real and true friend.
I also understand the viewpoint that all of this exists within us and the answer lies within, so the answer could lie in my allowing my "inner self" to push out the energy to empower the 'item' to get the job done. I mean they are really all different perspectives on the same activity. I know inside that the rocks and the plants and the animals are all ME. But I think there might be a little difference that is important to me, whereas it might not be so important for others. There is a little subtle shift concerning the ego. As we know, the ego can be a very self aggrandizing entity/program. There is such a fine line to crossing over to the path that leads to egoism or to other side with a false sense of humbleness, leading to fake self-deprecation. In seeing 'all' things as equal and as having meaning and value, for me, this is the balancing pole, the equalizer. I at harmony with life and living things in this life. Like the Buddha said, "walk the razor's edge" (okay I am paraphrasing, here are the actual words"...Rise, awake! having obtained your boons understand them! The sharp edge of a razor is difficult to pass over; thus the wise say the path (to the Self) is hard" from this page at Sacred Texts).
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Crown Royal 'of Success'
Our family is a Crown Royal Bag Family. Well at least my dad, brother, sister and I are. Probably the extended family too. I know for sure at least my dad’s side of the fam is. My mom… naw, that is a little too tacky for her tastes. I love the bags! I have not had one in my possession for a while now. Last one I had was when I was in my early 30’s. I was always perplexed why I loved them so… and why so many other people loved them too. Always had a strange pull for me.
The other day while checking out a page at Lucky Mojo about hair care products, I read about Royal Crown hair grease as being used by folks because of the crown on the label and in the top. I used to use Royal Crown too years ago, before I stop using grease on my hair. Even though I had stopped, I still had (have) this urge to buy it. So it dawned on me… of course, the symbolism of “Crown Royal”! And the bag being purple too?! Ah, I finally saw the connection. So wonderfully covert! And no wonder it’s never spoken of, just as so many other “things” are hardly ever spoken of, just done. And I’m sure others have realized the connection, but I just couldn’t find anything when googled. Maybe I didn’t look hard enough.
Also Jazz musicians have used it for many years as a mute for their trumpets. Wonderful…
On this forum page, someone speaks of liking the brown Blanton’s bag better because it is not purple. I’ve never heard of Blanton’s. And I guessing the poster means it’s less “tacky”. Also a lot of folks post how they use them for poker chips, scrabble tiles, chess pieces and dice. This makes sense.
I gotta get me a bag now. Ebay has some, but I think I’ll just persuade one of my friends or one of my sons to have a little whiskey instead of rum for one of their get togethers. Mmmm… Crown and coke does sound good.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Irish Moss and da Big Big Bamboo
Okay, I've been looking for Irish Moss, trying to find either some product that contains it or somewhere close by that sells it for cheap-ish. But I've have been having this feeling that I know what it is already, but I just could not place where from... so this morning I googled Irish Moss. Checked out the Wikipedia 'crib notes' and saw that it was also called carrageenen and used in some ice creams, which I knew from somewhere. But I didn't think that was the connection, so I kept scrolling and saw that it is popular in the Carribean... ahhh okay so I googled Irish Moss Bahamas and came up with this. I was like oh okay, Irish Moss... Big Bamboo, now I remember. I don't think the person writing this review got the reference to Big Bamboo, which is a song by The Mighty Sparrow that I grew up listening to my mom play on the huge over-sized stereo in the family room. Big Bamboo links it to the aphrodisiac properties associated with this plant. Ya know... big bamboo... a man? Okay, so I looked for a place to listen to the song on the net, wanting to hear it again. 'The big big bamboo bam-boo... aye la la la la la la... workin for dah yankee dollar".
Click here to see the Mighty Sparrow sing it. Click here to see a shorter cute version I just found.
I also used to LOVE LOVE LOVE this song and still do!!! Obeah Wedding (click to here a little snippet).
Irish Moss
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Archaeplastida
Phylum: Rhodophyta
Class: Rhodophyceae
Order: Gigartinales
Family: Gigartinaceae
Genus: Chondrus
Species: C. crispus
Binomial name
Chondrus crispus
*Money herb*
Also more info here at Herb-Magic
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Quick Days of the Week List
Days of the Week Correspondences:
Sunday · Leo · orange · fire · Sun
Monday · Cancer · white · water · Moon
Tuesday · Scorpio · red · water · Mars
Wednesday · Virgo/Gemini · yellow/green · earth/air · Mercury
Thursday · Sagittarius/ Pisces · purple/blue · water/fire · Jupiter
Friday · Taurus/Libra · pink/brown · earth/air · Venus
Saturday · Aquarius/ Capricorn · dark blue/black · air/earth · Saturn
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Garden and Grocery
Rose - sweet love · healing · Mary
Carnation - healing · young gentlemen · balanced power
Parsley - attracting · cleansing
Sweet Pea - love · youth
Fern - good luck · protection · seeking to talk to little people
Marigold - creativity · energy · psychic senses
Hibiscus - sensuality · love · seeing dreamworld
Violet - healing · love · strong beauty
Willow - sorrows · walks beside through healing
Pine - cleansing · purifying · mood elevator
(on-going list)
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Simple Kitchen Herbs
Kitchen herbs have been my friends in time of need. This is a list of what is prevalent in my kitchen and what I hear/have heard them conveying to me.
Cinnamon - love · activator · passion · fire
Basil - cleansing · mental · good vibes · healing
Salt - canceling · cleansing · purifying · grounding
Thyme - healing · aides in seeing reality of situation
Rosemary - sacred · love · prayer · protection
Sage - wisdom · cleansing · calming
Bay - protection · expelling · cleansing
Clove - money · security · comfort · warmth
Allspice - activator · protection · courage
Black Pepper - courage · repels negative
(on-going list)
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So simple...
This is so simple, I am almost embarrassed to post it... but I will, just in case someone may need it who is not in the position to go shopping for 'extras'.
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A simple "incense" to burn when feeling bogged down, fuzzy, hazy, unfocused.
Refresh · Renew
--a bit of Sage (air · Jupiter)
--a bit of Basil (fire · Mars)
--a pinch of Cinnamon (air/fire · Sun)
--a small saucer
Place herbs/spices on saucer. While doing this, "talk" to them, discuss with them what your need is. "Listen" for anything/feelings they might convey to you. Light herbs/spices. This usually will not burn fully, but sufficiently for what you have asked. Lie back/relax and let the aroma fill you. Know that help is on the way. Relight during the day, if desired. (* leaves sticky residue behind, so be aware)
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Okay, this is like my 8th no 9th... maybe 12th??? blog I have had in about 5 years. Been through a whole lot over these past 5 years. Learned a WHOLE lot. Learned I've learned what I already knew, but didn't believe I knew. Learned that what I had been practicing in theory, was very very real. And it took a very serious lesson in just how real it is, to take me all the way around back to square one with my eyes WIDE open. God is real... Magic is real... and it is a real good idea to figure out exactly who you are and where you are within this mix.
So now I am curious to see where this leads... I know where I want it to lead. Let's see if I can get it to all line up cohesively, spiritually and divinely. Or maybe more truthfully... see if I can stay in line with what is calling me and what I desire.
Please excuse any mis-steps, mis-speaks, mis-stakes... they would not/will not be intentional... well, unless I specifically state they are... I am a human being.
Living · Loving · just like a woman...
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